Rajivji’s Story

Rajivji started his inner search for the Self by being initiated into Kriya Yoga from his Guru, Sri Dubeyji of the Panchanon lineage, which he then practiced devoutly for fifteen years. After this time, however, he reached a point where he felt he could no longer make further progress. He saw that Kriyas were preparatory practices, and although very helpful in steadying the mind, they were external to the ‘I’ that he was intent upon realizing.

On the path of wisdom alone, one can have only a few “Ah ha’s” in an entire lifetime… but when combined with the path of LOVE, a Jnani can have an ‘Ah ha’ in each and every moment.

Along his journey, Rajivji met many Meditation Masters and Sages of Ancient Indian Spiritual tradition who provided him with instruction, practices and insights. Around this time, he was irresistibly drawn to the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, and he embarked deeper on the journey of Self-Inquiry. He soon began to effortlessly fall into ecstatic bliss, and experience profound states of consciousness.


At first, these states of joyous samadhi were temporary, but eventually they became more continuous as they were ‘realized’. He soon illustrated every individual’s natural and potential state of being – once one sees past the ‘ego-I’ illusion. Some of this deep journey of unraveling is described through the transcribed dialogues and conversations in Rajivji’s first book, Autobiography of a Jnani.

Rajivji’s realization continues to unfold deeper into blissful states through the inspiration and intervention of his Divine Beloved whilst continuing to tease out any remaining vasanas that may resurface or appear.

There is only one step, one pointer: abidance in I-Am, abidance in the Self.

Rajivji doesn’t feel entitled to be addressed by any particular name or position like Jnani or Yogi or Guru or any such lofty titles as he strongly believes they can be an hindrance on this path. He prefers to be recognized as only a fellow Sadhaka or Divine Friend and be called by the name Rajivji or Rajiv.

Many of his mentees or students sometimes do lovingly address him as Guruji. Guru means dispeller of darkness. If his presence and guidance has bestowed that to those who come in contact with him, he believes it is only due to the Grace of the All-knowing Divine Intelligence.

Rajivji doesn’t claim to be superior in any way, or an authority based upon his knowledge, expertise and practices. He offers only Mentorship and Facilitation as the Founder Mentor of the ISIP (now called the ASK™) Teachings, based on his own experience and understanding of ancient Indian scriptures and practices, and at the request of those who feel they will benefit from that.


Rajivji connects with his fellow Sadhakas through his live and online Satsangs, retreats, articles, books and private sessions which are offered in Shamirpet, near Hyderabad, and in other parts of India, as well as around the world. In particular, Rajivji’s committed and intensive practice of instruction and personal guidance through his private online Satsangs has been a truly special opportunity for others to connect with him on a consistent and meaningful basis.

Rajivji continues to devote his days to supporting and counseling through his many forums, both online and in-person, as well as writing articles, discourses, and books, while also taking care of his family and practical affairs. Performing all these duties in a spirit of humility, abundance and joy, he is a fountain of inspiration and love to all who know him.

Find out more about Rajivji

Lineage | Advaita Soma Kriyashakti  | TeachingsASK Sangha

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