I am excited to announce that a new member’s page for learning the foundational ISIP™ practices of the FAB© Program is now available for members of the Online ISIP Sangha to access
You can find the new page under the ISIP Sangha menu or follow the link at the bottom of this post. The new page is broken down into four sections:
Bandha Vasana Elimination
Review Questions
Within each section are audio, video, and pdf transcripts to help you to learn Rajivji’s powerful set of spiritual practices that he has organized into the FAB© program. This new page was designed with ease-of-use in mind, and will help members new and old learn and review their knowledge of the FAB© program and ISIP™. The page includes four sections corresponding to each area of the FAB© program and a section of review questions for those who wish to challenge their knowledge of FAB© practices, or become eligible for Rajivji’s new ISIP Mentor Program.
Use this new page to your advantage to learn the essentials of the FAB© program, perfect your knowledge of Rajivji’s teachings, and to push your practice to the next-level.
Through Maa’s blessing, Rajivji’s loving guidance and teachings, and your sincere practice, may you become FABulous in all aspects of your spiritual and material life!